Tuesday, December 04, 2007

test chart on rifs

Here is an image of a chart from Excel. This is a test image.
It shows, second column, $19,000,000 saved on staff salaries.
It shows, columns 1 - $14,000,000, 4-$16,0000,0000, and 6 - $4,000,000, a total of $34,000,000 saved on personnel that seem to be categories of management.
It shows about $100,000, each, saved on laborers and scientific IT folks.

I do not yet know how to make the chart itself readable. Any suggestions?

To get this quality of chart, I had to export it from Excel as an MDI file, convert the MDI file to a TIFF file and then convert the TIFF file to a JPEG. I will try to get better quality. Until I do, there does not seem to be a purpose in posting pie charts.

I am willing to ship the jpeg to people who request it.

On a second chart (not shown), I found that the proposed RIFs are spread fairly evenly across employment categories (8.5% per category) except for General Administration and Laborers for whom the proposed cuts are about 14%.

There are still hundreds of millions of dollars in costs unaccounted for. So, I am waiting for the other shoe to drop.


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