Saturday, June 09, 2007

Beyond LANL

The blog LANL:The Rest of the Story has decided to focus nearly entirely on LANL news and not deal with broader news relevant to other DOE labs, such as Livermore, Sandia, Oak Ridge, etc.

The information that I have on pensions and other issues that applies to LANL, Livermore, Sandia, etc. will be published here, as appropriate, and not on LANL: The Rest of the Story.

Today, I am updating our skills and calculators that were used for LANL folks to be correct for LLNL and its employees. I have had long conversations with LLNL folk about how to do this correctly.

If readers have facts about the Livermore plan that they think I should know, please either post them, email them to me, or call me. All such information will be treated as confidential and anonymous as it always has been.

Good luck,

This post is a modification of one on June 4th.


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