Thursday, June 07, 2007

Thousands of jobs cut at LANL and Sandia

Congress is planning on cutting thousands of jobs at LANL and Sandia, on top of the existing $200,000,000 short fall in LANL's budget.

New Mexico's congressional delegation does not seem to be able to stop this process.

For readers who do not want their careers and lives to go down the tubes with these events, I would suggest calling or emailing me soon. My time helping others is already filling my calendar but I will make room for anyone who references this post and who has the courage to talk to me. For the first five respondents, I will give a discount.

I have already helped 200 folks at LANL and am currently helping Sandia and LLNL personnel.

I am not posting much because my time is being used up in helping people and organizations.


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