Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Topics that seem to be verboten on LANL: The Rest of the Story, such as practical details of how to protect yourself and your family from the coming RIFs, are welcome here.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

excuse me for being ignorant of this topic but so far im confused to the acronyms your using
what the hell is a "RIFs" reduction in force? im not sure if it is or not ....i just happen to be bad with acronyms.

2:06 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

My bad.

I will try to avoid acronyms.

RIF is a term that is local to a number of government facilities such as national laboratories.

Formally, it means 'reduction in force.' In the past, at national labs, it has meant a formal process starting at the head of the lab, the director, that decreases the size of the overall workforce under centralized planning.

In the past, this centralized reduction in the workforce was reasonable because most of the Laboratory was paid from about two large accounts.

One thing that makes the current workforce nervous is another RIF. This time about 3,000 people would be RIFed (laid off).

Since the definition of a RIF seems to be a centralized planned reduction in force occurring on a specific date, a company managing a national laboratory can avoid a 'RIF' by getting rid of the employees in another manner.

What seems to be happening is a non-RIF. Each group leader is told to balance his or her budget and get rid of people for whom there is not enough incoming support.

This non centralized decrease in the number of employees has the same net reduction in man power but does not seem to be called a RIF.

Does this help?

2:23 PM  

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